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KM-150 Spray Pyrolysis Deposition Machine

This Spray Pyrolysis Deposition (SPD) system is designed for short time and low-cost thin film formation. Teflon coating of the reaction chamber prevents corrosion. This machine has three solution atomizing systems, it is possible to make three kind of layers from different solutions. Built-in touch screen control panel allows user to program and store 10 nozzle moving patterns and quickly select preferred one.


Max substrate size
Max substrate temperature
Power source
Air pressure source
Machine size
Machine weight

150 mm x 150 mm
700 ゚C
AC 100 W, 1.5 KVA
More than 0.6 MPa
1315 mm(W)× 940 mm(L)× 1900 mm(H)
630 kg
Duct diameter 65 mm More than 3 m3/min (Regulation is possible)

Examples of prepared films
Transparent conducting oxides (ITO, FTO, AZO etc.)
Other functional films (TiO2, Cu2O, SnS, CuInS2 etc.)


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SPD Laboratory, Inc. Naka-ku, Johoku, 2-35-1 Hamamatsu, 432-8011, JAPAN
Tel: +81(0)53-474-7901 Fax: +81(0)53-401-7080
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